COHSMO: Inequality, urbanization and Territorial Cohesion: Developing the European Social Model of economic growth and democratic capasity

  • Kazepov, Yuri Albert Kyrill (Project Lead)
  • Kirsch, Hanna Valentina (Admin)
  • Cefalo, Ruggero (Scientific Project Staff)
  • Boczy, Tatjana (Scientific Project Staff)
  • Alexander, Lukas (Scientific Project Staff)
  • Friesenecker, Michael (Scientific Project Staff)
  • Görgen, Nina (Scientific Project Staff)
  • Finocchiaro, Lisa (Admin)

Project: Research funding

Project Details


COHSMO is an EU-funded comparative and mixed methods research project with 7 partner institutions in 7 EU member states.

The way that public, private and civil society stakeholders counter or cushion spatial injustice varies across localities in Europe. In common, is the need to develop the institutional capacities for place-based collaboration and to democratically mobilize communities for policy development and adaptation. The principal aim of COHSMO is to investigate the relation between socio-economic structures of inequality, urbanization and territorial cohesion, and how territorial cohesion at different European scales affect economic growth, spatial justice and democratic capacities. Although location and place have gained attention in European policy and the theoretical thinking informing regional development policies, COHSMO proposes a change of orientation in the direction of making place-informed theories and policies instead of applying existing theories and policies on places. This will be done by providing a cross-case analysis and assessment of territorial cohesion within three different cases in each of the seven national partner contexts based on a mixed-method and locality sensitive approach.

The project aims at providing policy recommendations in relation to sustainable economic growth, spatial justice and democratic capacity, in order to contribute to the development of the European Social Model. Its research objectives are:
•Understanding the relationship between policy instruments and local experiences of territorial cohesion.
•Analysing how “social investment strategies” relate to territorial cohesion and local conditions.
•Assessing spatial development policies at different governance scales to map the impact of different policy instruments in the fight against spatial inequality and spatial injustice.

Förderung: European Union - Horizon 2020
Förderezeitraum: 2017-2020
Short titleCOHSMO - Hans-Thor Andersen
Effective start/end date1/05/1731/10/21

Collaborative partners

  • University of Vienna
  • Aalborg University (AAU) (lead)
  • University of the West of England
  • Harokopio University of Athens
  • University of Warsaw
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Vytautas Magnus University