Queer Cinema Austria 1906-2022

Project: Research funding

Project Details


Wider research context / theoretical framework: Queer Cinema Austria: Assembling LGBTIQ* viewing strategies of film, video and television production in Austria, 1906–2022 (QCA) seeks to create an overdue historiography of LGBTIQ* viewing strategies of film, video, TV produced in or associated with Austria. The methodical triangulation of historical research, cultural/queer theory and empirical research (one-on-one interviews and group workshops) enables to assemble diverse viewing strategies by LGBTIQ* audiences and to compile an inclusive corpus of all relevant works.
Hypotheses/research questions/objectives: We employ the term “assemblage” within an understanding of queer cinema (including video and TV) as a “queerly inflected medium” (Schoonover/Galt 2016, 6) and move away from a merely representational approach. QCA seeks to build theoretical foundations for historiographical work that (1) ensures a deconstruction of nationality and national identity, that (2) takes into account queer theories of temporalities to shift notions of past, present and futurity into of “potentiality” (cf. Muñoz 2009) and that (3) avoids the trap of what Puar (2005) has termed “homonationalism.”
Approach/methods: Resting on these theoretical foundations, our qualitative empirical approach is grounded in a research design analysing reception strategies like subtexting (Whatling 1997), reading against the grain (Gilbert/Gubar 1984), appropriation (Doty 1993, Warner 1993) and disidentification (Muñoz 2009) among others to deepen our understanding of how viewing strategies function in relation to our (provisional) corpus. Through this methodological triangulation ¬¬between material historiography, cultural theory and empirical research, the project assembles Queer Cinema Austria through viewers’ perspectives, an innovative approach that guarantees an interdisciplinary vantage point and thorough validation of our findings.
Level of originality / innovation: QCA is the first project to consider all motion pictures professionally produced in Austria since 1906 that “make queer spaces possible” (Schoonover/Galt 2016, 3), comprising cinematic releases of all film genres (feature length, short, documentary, animated) with Austrian production or co-production credits, all films
and videos produced at Austrian art academies, all TV productions relevant. We will make the filmographic data of this expansive corpus available in an interactive, open access database. A peer-reviewed, openaccess, two-volume final publication will contain a history of queer cinema Austria from the vantage point of LGBTIQ* viewing strategies (written by the project team) and a collection of around 60 academic film, video and TV case-studies (edited by the project team).
Primary researchers involved: Mag. Dr. Andrea B. Braidt, MLitt (PI), Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Nicole Kandioler (Co-PI) Mag. Jul Tirler, MA (postdoc)
StatusNot started


  • queer cinema
  • Austrian media history
  • cultural theory
  • gender theory