Atomic and electronic properties of graphene-on-diamond

  • Skakalova, Viera (Project Lead)

Project: Research funding

Project Details


Carbon, one of the most abundant elements, can exist in two inorganic crystal forms: as diamond, and as graphite. The electronic properties of diamond and graphene, a single layer of graphite, differ in two extremities. While the energy bandgap of about 6 eV in the diamond electronic structure leads to the electrical resistivity as high as 1018 Ω·m, graphene shows a zero bandgap at Fermi level behaving as a semimetals with extraordinary electronic transport properties.

A question arises what will happen when these two extremities meet in tight vicinity. The answer will be the aim of this collaborative project. We propose to synthesize graphene-on-diamond (GOD) systems and to investigate the electronic and atomic structure of their interface.

The collaboration of the team from the Institute of Physics (IoP) at the Czech academy of sciences with the team from Physics of nanostructured materials (UW) at the University of Vienna brings together a perfectly matching expertise in the research fields of diamond (IoP) and of graphene (UW) including the complementarity of experimental scientific instruments needed for this research.
Effective start/end date1/01/1631/12/19