A survey of modeling language specification techniques

Dominik Bork (Corresponding author), Dimitris Karagiannis, Benedikt Pittl

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Visual modeling languages such as the Business Process Model and Notation and the Unified Modeling Language are widely used in industry and academia for the analysis and design of information systems. Such modeling languages are usually introduced in overarching specifications which are maintained by standardization institutions such as the Object Management Group or the Open Group. Being the primary – often the single – source of information, such specifications are of paramount importance for modelers, researchers, and tool vendors. However, structure, content, and specification techniques of such documents have never been systematically analyzed. This paper addresses this gap by reporting on a Systematic Literature Review aimed to analyze published standard modeling language specifications. In total, eleven specifications were found and comprehensively analyzed. The survey reveals heterogeneity in: (i) the modeling language concepts being specified, and (ii) the techniques being employed for the specification of these concepts. The identified specification techniques are analyzed and presented by referring to their utilization in the specifications. This survey provides a foundation for research aiming to increase consistency and improve comprehensiveness of information systems modeling languages.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101425
Number of pages20
JournalInformation Systems
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2020

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 102028 Knowledge engineering


  • Evaluation
  • Metamodel
  • Modeling language
  • Specification
  • Standards
  • UML


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