Biodegradation of Water-Soluble Polymers by Wastewater Microorganisms: Challenging Laboratory Testing Protocols

Aaron Kintzi, Soumya Daturpalli, Glauco Battagliarin, Michael Zumstein (Corresponding author)

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For water-soluble polymers (WSPs) that enter environmental systems at their end-of-life, biodegradability is a key functionality. For the development and regulation of biodegradable WSPs, testing methods that are both scientifically validated and economically practicable are needed. Here, we used respirometric laboratory tests to study the biodegradation of poly(amino acids), poly(ethylene glycol), and poly(vinyl alcohol), together with appropriate low-molecular-weight reference substrates. We varied key protocol steps of commonly used testing methods, which were originally established for small molecules and tested for effects on WSP biodegradation. We found that avoiding aeration of the wastewater inoculate prior to WSP addition, incubating WSP with filter-sterilized wastewater prior to biodegradation testing, and lowering the WSP concentration can increase biodegradation rates of WSPs. Combining the above-mentioned protocol variations substantially affected the results of the biodegradation testing for the two poly(amino acids) tested herein (i.e., poly(lysine) and poly(aspartic acid)). Our findings were consistent between microbial inocula derived from two municipal wastewater treatment plants. Our study presents promising biodegradation dynamics for poly(amino acids) and highlights the importance, strengths, and limitations of respirometric laboratory methods for WSP biodegradation testing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15246-15256
Number of pages11
JournalEnvironmental Science & Technology
Issue number34
Early online date12 Aug 2024
Publication statusPublished - 27 Aug 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 104023 Environmental chemistry
  • 106026 Ecosystem research
  • 105904 Environmental research
  • 106022 Microbiology


  • water soluble polymers
  • biodegradation testing
  • biological wastewater treatment
  • environmentally benign-by-design
  • Water-soluble polymers


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