Communicative signals during joint attention promote neural processes of infants and caregivers

Anna Bánki, Moritz Köster, Radoslaw Martin Cichy, Stefanie Hoehl

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Communicative signals such as eye contact increase infants' brain activation to visual stimuli and promote joint attention. Our study assessed whether communicative signals during joint attention enhance infant-caregiver dyads' neural responses to objects, and their neural synchrony. To track mutual attention processes, we applied rhythmic visual stimulation (RVS), presenting images of objects to 12-month-old infants and their mothers (n = 37 dyads), while we recorded dyads' brain activity (i.e., steady-state visual evoked potentials, SSVEPs) with electroencephalography (EEG) hyperscanning. Within dyads, mothers either communicatively showed the images to their infant or watched the images without communicative engagement. Communicative cues increased infants' and mothers' SSVEPs at central-occipital-parietal, and central electrode sites, respectively. Infants showed significantly more gaze behaviour to images during communicative engagement. Dyadic neural synchrony (SSVEP amplitude envelope correlations, AECs) was not modulated by communicative cues. Taken together, maternal communicative cues in joint attention increase infants' neural responses to objects, and shape mothers' own attention processes. We show that communicative cues enhance cortical visual processing, thus play an essential role in social learning. Future studies need to elucidate the effect of communicative cues on neural synchrony during joint attention. Finally, our study introduces RVS to study infant-caregiver neural dynamics in social contexts.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101321
Pages (from-to)101321
JournalDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Dec 2023

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 501005 Developmental psychology


  • Hyperscanning
  • Infancy
  • Joint attention
  • Ostensive cues
  • Steady-state visually evoked potentials
  • Visual perception


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