Conflict Escalation Done Wrong? The Free City of Regensburg Seizes Ehrenfels Castle, 13 April 1417

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


This article examines the various modes of conflict management used by the free city of Regensburg and the local nobleman Hans I Staufer of Ehrenfels during a prolonged dispute over revenues from 1413 to 1418. In the early years of this feud, both parties utilized nonviolent methods such as legal action and arbitration, which were occasionally accompanied by minor military interventions. In April 1417, however, the Regensburg councilors broke with convention and decided to escalate the conflict with their feud opponent by capturing his ancestral castle, Ehrenfels, near Beratzhausen in the Upper Palatinate region. Using both urban account books and documentary evidence, the case study investigates the reasons behind the councilors' decision to launch this ostentatious military attack, their objectives in seizing Ehrenfels castle, and the impact of their show of force on the ongoing conflict. It portrays late medieval Central European towns as potent military actors and argues for a more systematic integration of economic considerations and cost-benefit calculations into our picture of late medieval feuding.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-14
Number of pages14
JournalAustrian History Yearbook
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 May 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 601012 Medieval history
  • 601020 Regional history


  • Bavarian history
  • Council of Constance
  • history of feuding
  • military history
  • Regensburg
  • Upper Palatinate
  • urban history

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