Connecting and confronting Transnationalism: Bridging Concepts and Moving Critique

Petra Dannecker, Sarah De Jong

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


This article traces the trajectory of transnationalism as a perspective andfieldof study and suggests that new impetus can be given to its development byestablishing a dialogue between transnationalism and other key concepts.While the research agenda of the early stages was characterised by a needto distinguish transnationalism from related terms, such as globalisation, weargue that thefield could now regain momentum by exploring synergies withother concepts. In this special issue we stage confrontations between trans-nationalism and, respectively, the (perspectives opened up by the) concepts of‘borders’,‘translocality’,‘precarity’,‘queer’,‘moralities’,‘the state’, and‘broker-age’. Conceptually, this allows us to go beyond an internal critique thatexposes the shortcomings of a transnational perspective, by suggestingnovel frameworks and toolkits. Substantively, this issue’s articles demonstratethe need to refocus transnational studies’attention to the unevenness,instability and inequality of transnational space.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)493-506
Number of pages14
JournalIdentities.Global Studies in Culture and Power
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 509023 Development research


  • transnational
  • translocality
  • precarity
  • queer
  • borders
  • brokerage
  • Immigrants
  • moralities
  • state
  • Transnational
  • TIES
  • immigrants

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