Cu-Ni-Sn: A Key System for Lead-Free Soldering

Clemens Schmetterer, Hans Flandorfer (Corresponding author), Christoph Luef, Alexander A. Kodentsov, Herbert Ipser

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Being the most complex constituent of the quaternary system Ag-Cu-Ni-Sn, the ternary system Cu-Ni-Sn is the key system for the investigation of the interactions of Ag-Cu-Sn solder alloys with Ni as a contact material. Although this system has been thoroughly studied in the literature, there are still many uncertainties left. In the present work, a study of the phase equilibria in four isothermal sections at 220, 400, 500, and 700°C of the Cu-Ni-Sn system was carried out following a comprehensive literature study. The methods employed were x-ray diffraction (XRD), metallography, and scanning electron microscopy including electron probe microanalysis. The ternary solubilities of the Ni 3Sn2-Cu6Sn5 and Ni 3Sn-Cu3Sn fields were characterized in detail. So far no continuous solubility between the respective phases has been found. At 25 at.% Sn the existence of two ternary compounds formed from the BiF3-type (Cu,Ni)3Sn phase and reported in literature could be confirmed. On the other hand, our results differ significantly from the very recent literature related to lead-free soldering.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-24
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Electronic Materials
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 104003 Inorganic chemistry
  • 104011 Materials chemistry


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