Die fünf Daseinsgruppen (skandhas) in Abhebung zu Platons Auffassung der Sinnes- und Seelentätigkeit

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This article compares the Buddhist conception of the five skandhas (essential aggregates,
which combine to embody an individual) with Plato!s philosophical position concerning
the epistemic relevance of perception, including the argumentation, which reveals the
overall important ontological and categorical realm, corresponding to the instance called
psyche. The Buddhistical way leads to the decisive doctrine of non-self (anatman), the
platonic way, however, to a theory of soul and self, which determines the whole western
tradition. What is true, what is false? On the one hand we may only state a koan (a
paradox to be meditated upon); on the other hand we may seek a philosophical position
drawing the consequences of both antagonists. The claim is that Hegel!s speculative logic
is exactly this requested position.
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)308-321
JournalInterdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society
Issue number1/2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 603113 Philosophy


  • Plato
  • Buddhism

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