Diversity of brood chambers in calloporid bryozoans (Gymnolaemata, Cheilostomata): comparative anatomy and evolutionary trends.

Andrei Ostrovsky, Norbert Vávra, Claus Nielsen, Ekaterina B. Yagunova

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Comparative anatomical studies of 12 species from 10 genera (Callopora, Tegella, Amphiblestrum, Parelisina, Corbulella, Crassimarginatella, Valdemunitella, Bryocalyx, Concertina, Cauloramphus) belonging to one of the largest and most diverse bryozoan taxa, the Calloporidae, and one species from the genus Akatopora belonging to the related taxon Antroporidae, were undertaken to elucidata the morphological diversity of brooding structures and to recognzize main trands in their evolution. Most of the species studied posses ovicells (specialized brooding receptacles) formed by the distal and maternal (egg-producing) autozooids. The distal zooid can be an autozooid, a vicarious avicularium or a kenozooid. The calcified protective hood (ooecium) is an outgrowth from the distal zooid.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-35
Number of pages23
JournalZoomorphology: an international journal of comparative and functional morphology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 105118 Palaeontology


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