Do pentaploid hybrids mediate gene flow between tetraploid Senecio disjunctus and hexaploid S. carniolicus s. str. (S. carniolicus aggregate, Asteraceae)?

Andrea Peskoller, Lisa Silbernagl, Karl Hülber, Michaela Sonnleitner, Peter Schönswetter

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Polyploids with odd-ploidy levels may play an important evolutionary role as they enable backcrosses with their parental cytotypes. We chose the ploidy-variable Senecio carniolicus species group to address the overarching question if pentaploid individuals, which occur at high frequencies in immediate contact zones of parental tetraploids and hexaploids, mediate effective interploidy gene flow. We employed a set of approaches including relative genome size (RGS) determination and viability tests of pollen, RGS of the embryo, viability tests and germination experiments of seeds, and RGS and survival experiments of seedlings to tackle the following specific questions. Is pollen of pentaploid individuals viable suggesting regular meiosis in spite of the odd-ploidy level? Are the five sets of chromosomes split into 2.5 compliments, or rather into two and three compliments? Do crossings between pentaploid individuals produce viable seeds and seedlings, suggesting that pentaploids are an independent evolutionary unit? We found that pollen stainability is not strongly reduced in pentaploids and that the five chromosome complements are most often split into 2.5 complements. Seeds originating from homoploid crossings of pentaploids show a very low viability whereas backcrosses with tetraploids or hexaploids were more successful. No significant difference in seedling survival was observed among the different crossings but seedlings emerging from 5x5x crosses were significantly smaller than both, seedlings from backcrosses and from homoploid parental crosses. Altogether, our results indicate that pentaploids may play an important evolutionary role as mediators of gene flow but that they rather do not form an independent evolutionary unit.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)151-160
Number of pages10
JournalAlpine Botany
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 106008 Botany


  • Controlled crosses
  • Cytotypes
  • Flow cytometry
  • Hybrid cytotypes
  • Pollen fertility
  • Polyploidy


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