Does Parental Financial Socialization for Emerging Adults Matter? The Case of Austrian and Slovene First-Year University Students

Ulrike Sirsch (Corresponding author), Maja Zupančič , Mojca Poredoš, Katharina Levec, Mihaela Friedlmeier

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The study tested a model of first-year university students’ financial socialization focusing on parents as financial socialization agents and students’ present financial outcomes. Results from 395 Austrians (70% females) and 412 Slovenes (55% females) revealed significant pathways from recollected socialization experiences to students’ self-perceived financial learning outcomes (adopting parental role modeling and financial knowledge) and financial behavior control. Financial knowledge and behavioral control partly mediated the effect of prior socialization experiences on students’ financial behavior, financial relationship with parents, and financial satisfaction. Among country-specific pathways, adopting parental role modeling indirectly influenced financial outcomes in the Slovene students, whereas for the Austrian students, it was directly associated with better financial relationships with parents. Our findings on the pathways to healthy financial outcomes provide important suggestions to parents and emerging adult students.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)509-520
Number of pages12
JournalEmerging Adulthood
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2019

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 501005 Developmental psychology


  • financial behavior
  • financial relationship with parents
  • financial satisfaction
  • parental financial socialization
  • university students


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