Experimental Test of Hyper-Complex Quantum Theories

Lorenzo M. Procopio, Lee A. Rozema, Zi Jing Wong, Deny R. Hamel, Kevin O'Brien, Xiang Zhang, Borivoje Dakic, Philip Walther

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputWeb publication


In standard quantum mechanics, complex numbers are used to describe the wavefunction. Although complex numbers have proven sufficient to predict the results of existing experiments, there is no apparent theoretical reason to choose them over real numbers or generalizations of complex numbers, i.e. hyper-complex numbers. Experiments performed to date have proven that real numbers are insufficient, but whether or not hyper-complex numbers are required remains an open question. Quantum theories based on hyper-complex numbers are one example of a post-quantum theory, which must be put on a firm experimental foundation. Here we experimentally probe hyper-complex quantum theories, by studying one of their deviations from complex quantum theory: the non-commutativity of phases. We do so by passing single photons through a Sagnac interferometer containing two physically different phases, having refractive indices of opposite sign. By showing that the phases commute with high precision, we place limits on a particular prediction of hyper-complex quantum theories.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 4 Feb 2016

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 103026 Quantum optics


  • quant-ph


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