Family quality of life of caregivers of individuals with autism, with other disabilities, and without disabilities: the case of Saudi Arabia

Ghaleb Hamad Alnahdi, Arwa Alwadei (Corresponding author), Susanne Schwab

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


This comprehensive study delves into the family quality of life (FQOL) of caregivers in SaudiArabia, focusing on those caring for individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, and otherdisabilities and those without any disabilities. Employing the Arabic version of the Beach CenterFQOL Scale, the research encompasses a diverse group of 1065 family members. It reveals thatcaregivers of individuals without disabilities experience notably higher FQOL, especially indomains such as family interaction, parenting, emotional, and physical/material well-being. Thestudy also identifies unique FQOL challenges encountered by caregivers of individuals with aut-ism. These insights underscore the necessity for specific support mechanisms catering to the dis-tinct needs of caregivers, particularly those handling autism-related challenges, highlighting acritical area for targeted interventions and policy formulation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1010-1021
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Developmental Disabilities
Issue number6
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Nov 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 503034 Inclusive education


  • Autism
  • intellectual disability
  • family quality of life
  • Beach Center FQOL scale
  • beach center family quality of life scale


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