Flavor physics in the quark sector

Mario Antonelli, David M. Asner, Daniela Bauer, Thomas Becher, Martin Beneke, Adrian Bevan, Monika Blanke, Caterina Bloise, Marcella Bona, A. E. Bondar, Concezio Bozzi, Joachim Brod, Andrzej J. Buras, Nicola Cabibbo, Angelo Carbone, Gianluca Cavoto, Vincenzo Cirigliano, Marco Ciuchini, Jonathan Coleman, Daniel P. Cronin-HennessyJeremy Dalseno, Christine Davies, Francesca Di Lodovico, Jochen Dingfelder, Zdenek Dolezal, Sara Donati, Wolfgang Dungel, Gerald Eigen, Ulrik Egede, Riccardo Faccini, Thorsten Feldmann, Fernando Ferroni, Jonathan Flynn, Enrico Franco, Miyuki Fujikawa, Ivan K. Furic, Paolo Gambino, Einan Gardi, Tim J. Gershon, Stefano Giagu, Eugene Golowich, T Goto, Christoph Greub, Christophe Grojean, Diego Guadagnoli, Ulrich Haisch, Robert F. Harr, André H. Hoang, Tobias Hurth, Gino Isidori, David Jaffe, Andreas Jüttner, Sebastian Jäger, Alexander Yu Khodjamirian, Patrick Koppenburg, Robert V. Kowalewski, Pavel P. Krokovny, Andreas S. Kronfeld, Jack W. Laiho, Gaia Lanfranchi, Thomas E. Latham, James Libby, Antonio Limosani, David Lopes Pegna, C. D. Lu, Vittorio Lubicz, Enrico Lunghi, Vera Lüth, Kim R. Maltman, William J. Marciano, E. C. Martin, Giancarlo Martinelli, Fernando Martinez Vidal, Antonio Masiero, Vincent Mateu, Federico Mescia, Gagan Mohanty, Matthew David Moulson, Matthias Neubert, Helmut Neufeld, Shohei Nishida, Nils Offen, Matteo Palutan, Paride Paradisi, Zohreh Parsa, Emilie Passemar, Mitesh Patel, Benjamin D. Pecjak, Alexey A. Petrov, A. Pich, Paolo Pierini, Brad Plaster, Andrew Powell, Soeren Prell, J. Rademaker, Marco Rescigno, Stefania Ricciardi, Patrick Robbe, Eduardo Rodrigues, Marcello Rotondo, Roberto Sacco, Christopher J. Schilling, Olivier Schneider, Enno E. Scholz, Bruce A. Schumm, Christoph Schwanda, Alan Schwartz, Barbara Sciascia, Justine Serrano, Junko Shigemitsu, Ian J. Shipsey, Alexei Sibidanov, Luca Silvestrini, Franco Simonetto, Silvano Simula, Christopher Smith, Amarjit Soni, Lars Sonnenschein, Viola Sordini, Marco Sozzi, Tommaso Spadaro, Patrick Spradlin, Achille Stocchi, Nazario Tantalo, Cecilia Tarantino, Alexandre V. Telnov, Diego Tonelli, Ian S. Towner, Karim Trabelsi, Phillip Urquijo, Ruth S. Van de Water, Richard J. Van Kooten, Javier Virto, Guido Volpi, Rainer Wanke, Susanne Westhoff, Guy Wilkinson, Matthew Wingate, Yuehong Xie, Jure Zupan

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In the past decade, one of the major challenges of particle physics has been to gain an in-depth understanding of the role of quark flavor. In this time frame, measurements and the theoretical interpretation of their results have advanced tremendously. A much broader understanding of flavor particles has been achieved; apart from their masses and quantum numbers, there now exist detailed measurements of the characteristics of their interactions allowing stringent tests of Standard Model predictions. Among the most interesting phenomena of flavor physics is the violation of the CP symmetry that has been subtle and difficult to explore. In the past, observations of CP violation were confined to neutral K mesons, but since the early 1990s, a large number of CP-violating processes have been studied in detail in neutral B mesons. In parallel, measurements of the couplings of the heavy quarks and the dynamics for their decays in large samples of K, D, and B mesons have been greatly improved in accuracy and the results are being used as probes in the search for deviations from the Standard Model. In the near future, there will be a transition from the current to a new generation of experiments; thus a review of the status of quark flavor physics is timely. This report is the result of the work of physicists attending the 5th CKM workshop, hosted by the University of Rome "La Sapienza", September 9-13, 2008. It summarizes the results of the current generation of experiments that are about to be completed and it confronts these results with the theoretical understanding of the field which has greatly improved in the past decade.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)197-414
Number of pages218
JournalPhysics Reports
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 103036 Theoretical physics

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