Formalizovaná klasifikace třídy Montio-Cardaminetea v Evropě: na cestě k jednotné typologii prameništní vegetace

Translated title of the contribution: Formalized classification of the class Montio-Cardaminetea in Europe: towards a consistent typology of spring vegetation

Tomáš Peterka, Petra Hájková, Martin Jiroušek, Dirk Hinterlang, Milan Chytrý, Liene Aunina, Judit Deme, Melinda Lyons, Hallie Seiler, Harald Zechmeister, Iva Apostolova, Carl Beierkuhnlein, Melanie Bischof, Claudia Biţă-Nicolae, Lisa Brancaleoni, Renata Ćušterevska, Jürgen Dengler, Yakiv Didukh, Daniel Dítě, Lyubov Felbaba-KlushynaEmmanuel Garbolino, Renato Gerdol, Svitlana Iemelianova, Florian Jansen, Riikka Juutinen, Jasmina Kamberović, Jutta Kapfer, Barbora Klímová, Ilona Knollová, Tiina H.M. Kolari, Predrag Lazarević, Ringa Luostarinen, Eva Mikulášková, Đorđije Milanović, Luca Miserere, Jesper Erenskjold Moeslund, José A. Molina, Aaron Pérez-Haase, Alessandro Petraglia, Marta Puglisi, Eszter Ruprecht, Eva Šmerdová, Daniel Spitale, Marcello Tomaselli, Kiril Vassilev, Michal Hájek

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Translated title of the contributionFormalized classification of the class Montio-Cardaminetea in Europe: towards a consistent typology of spring vegetation
Original languageCzech
Pages (from-to)347-383
Number of pages37
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 106050 Vegetation science


  • azonal habitat
  • expert classification system
  • phytosociology
  • plant community
  • supervised vegetation classification
  • unsupervised classification
  • vegetation survey
  • wetlands


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