Growth of face-centered-cubic Fe films on Cu(100): Interdiffusion, surfactant effects, and island formation

Daniel Spisak, Juergen Hafner

    Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


    Various factors complicating the growth of ultrathin films of ?-Fe on Cu(100) - interdiffusion, formation of surfactant layers, and island formation - have been investigated using density-functional calculations. It is shown that the formation of a surfactant Cu layer on top of the growing Fe films is energetically favored over both clean Fe surfaces and the formation of ordered surface alloys. However, the exchange process leading to the incorporation of the Fe atoms in or below the Cu top layer is characterized by a barrier of 1.45 eV/Fe atom, i.e., it will be kinetically hindered at low temperatures. In the initial stages of Fe deposition, as long as parts of the surface of the substrate remain uncovered by Fe, island formation is energetically preferred over the formation of atomically flat films. A surfactant Cu layer largely suppresses this tendency to surface roughening. Surface energies of 0.60 eV/atom for Cu(100) and of 0.84 eV/atom for ?-Fe(100) have been calculated and the difference is identified as the driving mechanism behind these phenomena.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number205422
    Number of pages11
    JournalPhysical Review B
    Issue number20
    Publication statusPublished - 2001

    Austrian Fields of Science 2012

    • 1030 Physics, Astronomy


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