Impact of task difficulty on lateralization of pitch and duration discrimination

Susanne M. Reiterer, Michael Erb, Christina D. Droll, Silke Anders, Thomas Ethofer, Wolfgang Grodd, Dirk Wildgruber

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


To investigate lateralization of duration and pitch discrimination processing with emphasis on the influences of task difficulty, we used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. Seventeen healthy volunteers performed paired auditory discrimination tasks at varying levels of difficulty. Analysis of lateralization effects revealed leftward lateralization within the insular and the temporal cortex under both conditions. Moreover, parametric analysis of haemodynamic responses showed increasing activation within the right temporal cortex correlated to increasing accuracy of stimulus discrimination. Thus, highly differential acoustic stimuli seem to be predominantly processed within the right hemisphere, whereas the detection of slight signal differences might be linked to the left hemisphere. In conclusion, we found evidence for preferential involvement of the right hemisphere in holistic feature processing within the auditory domain.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)239-242
Number of pages4
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2005
Externally publishedYes

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 602036 Neurolinguistics


  • Acoustic processing
  • Attention
  • Auditory cortex
  • Duration
  • Frequency
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • Lateralization
  • Pitch
  • Task difficulty
  • Time


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