Inclusive τ Hadronic Decay Rate in a Renormalon-Free Gluon Condensate Scheme

Miguel A. Benitez-Rathgeb (Corresponding author), Diogo Boito (Corresponding author), André H. Hoang (Corresponding author), Matthias Jamin (Corresponding author), Christoph Regner (Corresponding author)

Publications: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract/Conference paperPeer Reviewed


In a recent work by some of us it was shown that the long-standing discrepancy between the QCD perturbation series for the inclusive hadronic tau decay rate computed in the CIPT and FOPT expansion approaches can be understood from the fact that CIPT has an infrared (IR) sensitivity that it not compatible with the standard form of the operator production expansion (OPE). For concrete IR renormalon models for the QCD Adler function the resulting CIPT-FOPT discrepancy, the asymptotic separation, can be calculated analytically from the Borel representation of the CIPT series expansion. If the known perturbative corrections for the QCD Adler function at the 5-loop level already have a sizeable contribution from the asymptotic behavior related to the gluon condensate (GC) renormalon, the asymptotic separation is dominated by that renormalon. This implies that the CIPT expansion can be reconciled with FOPT, when a renormalon-free scheme for the GC is adopted. In this talk we discuss such a renormalon-free scheme for the GC, which involves perturbative subtractions in analogy to using short-distance quark mass schemes instead of the pole mass. Using a concrete realistic high-order Borel model for the Adler function consistent with the known corrections up to 5 loops and containing a sizeable GC renormalon contribution, we show that the CIPT-FOPT discrepancy can be avoided when switching to the renormalon-free GC scheme. At the same time, the perturbative convergence of τ hadronic spectral funtion moments strongly sensitive to the GC OPE corrections is considerably improved. We show that these improvements may lead to higher precision for strong coupling determinations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number016
Number of pages9
JournalProceedings of Science
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2022
Event2022 Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, LL 2022 - Ettal, Germany
Duration: 25 Apr 202230 Apr 2022

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 103024 Quantum field theory
  • 103012 High energy physics

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