Isotope dilution with isotopically labeled biomass: An effective alternative for quantitative metabolomics

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Background: State-of-the-art quantitative metabolomics relies on isotope dilution using internal standards (IS) derived from fully 13C labeled biomass. By spiking samples and external standards with known amounts of IS, the spike characterization demands are kept to a minimum. In fact, it is sufficient to experimentally assess the isotopic enrichment of the IS. This study develops the yeast derived IS toolbox further, (1) by characterizing the concentration levels of hydrophilic metabolites in a yeast fermentation batch and (2) by exploring the analytical figures of merit of one-point IS versus multipoint external calibration using IS, the established gold-standard for quantitative metabolomics. Results: Independent reverse isotope dilution experiments using different chromatographic methods over a period of several months, delivered a list of 83 13C-labeled metabolites with fully characterized concentration and their uncertainty, covering 5 orders of magnitude, from the nanomolar to the low millimolar range. The 13C-labeled yeast-derived IS showed excellent intermediate stability with 92 % of molecules showing inter-method RSDs ≤30 % (75 % of molecules showed RSDs ≤15 %) over a timeframe of five months. One-point internal standardization with the characterized labeled biomass achieved figures of merit equivalent to multipoint calibrations for the majority of metabolites. Significance: The proposed calibration workflow rationalizes time and standard expenditure and is particularly beneficial for laboratories dealing with wide-target assays and small analysis batches. The present assessment serves as a seminal study for further developments of the concept towards absolute quantification from archive high-resolution MS data of U13C-biomass-spiked samples and the implementation of quick biomass recalibration with each experiment, promising seamless transition between internal standards derived from different fermentation batches.

Original languageEnglish
Article number342909
JournalAnalytica Chimica Acta
Publication statusPublished - 22 Aug 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 104002 Analytical chemistry
  • 106057 Metabolomics


  • Absolute quantification
  • Internal standardization
  • Isotope dilution
  • Isotopically labeled biomass
  • Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • Metabolomics


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