La bicicleta en el cine de ficción: el medio de transporte del buscavidas

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The bicycle is a motif going back far in history of cinema. But its appearance varies on the screen, because it forms a unity with the cyclist. This means that, in the case of the few feature films made in Latin America, the plot and the world, in which it unfolds, show lonely protagonists living in difficult circumstances. Using the Kafkaesque motif of the labyrinthine castle, some of these films are compared, that incorporate this motif and were shot since the turn of the millennium.

Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)189-200
Number of pages12
Issue number34
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 602042 Romance studies
  • 605004 Cultural studies
  • 602043 Semiotics


  • cinematographic objects
  • motifs
  • neoliberalism
  • labyrinth
  • vital materialism

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