Model-Driven Context Configuration in Business Process Management Systems: An Approach Based on Knowledge Graphs

Mihai Cinpoeru, Ana-Maria Ghiran, Alisa Harkai, Robert Andrei Buchmann , Dimitris Karagiannis

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed


Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs) are inherently model-driven, relying on machine-readable process repositories that are typically standards-based. However, a requirement for semantic agility is emerging as knowledge-driven applications become less blueprint-oriented and more context-aware. The integration of process knowledge with contextual data can be subjected to this agility requirement – i.e., having the process modelling environment customised in terms of (expanding) its knowledge space and in terms of model-data interoperability. Such customisations may capture any of the enterprise perspectives proposed by the Zachman Framework (among which the How, Who and Where facets are in our particular focus) towards the benefit of establishing a hybrid knowledge-data fabric underlying flexible, context-driven BPMSs. This paper presents a project-based technical solution, based on the interplay of semantic technology and agile modelling methods, for setting up a hybrid knowledge base derived from several heterogeneous sources: diagrammatic models, semantically lifted legacy data and open geospatial data, with reasoning rules on top of this conglomerate. Together, these sources cover the How, Who and Where facets of the Zachman Framework concepts in a Knowledge Graph that drives the front-end Task Management panel of a BPMS. The proposal advocates complementarity and integration of paradigms that rarely converge – i.e., knowledge representation, open data and process-aware information systems.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPerspectives in Business Informatics Research, 18th International Conference, BIR 2019, Katowice, Poland, September 23–25, 2019, Proceedings
EditorsMalgorzata Pankowska, Kurt Sandkuhl
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-31143-8
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-31142-1
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event18th International Conference on Business Informatics Research, BIR 2019: Perspectives in Business Informatics Research - Centre for New Information Technologies (CNTI), Katowice, Poland
Duration: 23 Sept 201925 Sept 2019

Publication series

SeriesLecture Notes in Business Information Processing


Conference18th International Conference on Business Informatics Research, BIR 2019
Abbreviated titleBIR 2019
Internet address

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 102028 Knowledge engineering


  • Agile modelling method engineering
  • Business process management system
  • Knowledge graphs
  • Semantic data fabric


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