Modulated ammonia volatilization from coated nitrogen fertilizer and wheat productivity on phosphorus amended alkaline soils involving 15N tracer technique

Arooba Ashraf (Corresponding author), Muhammad Akhtar, Vicente Espinosa Hernandez, Amjad Ejaz, Wolfgang Wanek, Muhammad Yaqub

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


The nitrogen (N) fertilizers are markedly lost as ammonia volatilization from alkaline soils and hence is deemed as major cause
of lower N utilization by field crops. The current study explored possible measures to reduce N loss from applied fertilizer and
enhance its availability to wheat crop grown on alkaline soil. The treatments involved Zinc-coated (1% Zn) urea [ZnU] and
sole urea applied/incubated with soil at recommended rate (RR) and 80% RR after further coating with inhibitors [NBPT at 1%
or ATC at 2% urea]. Compared to sole urea, ZnU showed lower N loss in laboratory environment; whereas in field trials on
wheat crop, ZnU (at 80% of RR) along with NBPT produced similar wheat yield as produced by RR of sole urea application.
Phosphorus application further enhanced wheat biomass (1.03 and 1.04 kg m-2) and grain yield (0.362 and 0.407 kg m-2) at half
(23 kg ha-1) and full P rate (46 kg ha-1) as applied with ZnU, respectively. Whereas, the ZnU80 coated with NBPT produced
highest NUE (62.8%) when applied with full P rate, followed by half P application rate (NUE=58.7%). Another collateral
study proved the significance of P application (0, 15, 30 and 45 mg P kg-1) in improving NUE (15-20%) in wheat at similar N
application as (15NH4)2SO4. Overall, the studies clearly suggest that appropriate N management reduces N losses, improves
nutrient uptake and yield parameters of wheat crop grown on alkaline soil
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)120-137
Number of pages18
JournalAmerican Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 9 Dec 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 106026 Ecosystem research
  • 106022 Microbiology


  • Alkaline Soil
  • Ammonia N Losses
  • Nitrogen Use Efficiency
  • Wheat Productivity
  • Zinc-Coated Urea and Inhibitors


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