Neuromechanics of finger hangs with arm lock-offs: analyzing joint moments and muscle activations to improve practice guidelines for climbing

Juliana Exel (Corresponding author), David Deimel, Willi Koller, Cäcilia Werle, Arnold Baca, Daniela Maffiodo, Raffaella Sensana, Alessandro Colombo, Hans Kainz

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Introduction: Climbing imposes substantial demands on the upper limbs and understanding the mechanical loads experienced by the joints during climbing movements is crucial for injury prevention and optimizing training protocols. This study aimed to quantify and compare upper limb joint loads and muscle activations during isometric finger hanging exercises with different arm lock-off positions. Methods: Seventeen recreational climbers performed six finger dead hangs with arm lock-offs at 90° and 135° of elbow flexion, as well as arms fully extended. Upper limb joint moments were calculated using personalized models in OpenSim, based on three-dimensional motion capture data and forces measured on an instrumented hang board. Muscle activations of upper limb muscles were recorded with surface electromyography electrodes. Results: Results revealed that the shoulder exhibited higher flexion moments during arm lock-offs at 90° compared to full extension (p = 0.006). The adduction moment was higher at 135° and 90° compared to full extension (p < 0.001), as well as the rotation moments (p < 0.001). The elbows exhibited increasing flexion moments with the increase in the arm lock-off angle (p < 0.001). Muscle activations varied across conditions for biceps brachii (p < 0.001), trapezius (p < 0.001), and latissimus dorsi, except for the finger flexors (p = 0.15). Discussion: Our findings indicate that isometric finger dead hangs with arms fully extended are effective for training forearm force capacities while minimizing stress on the elbow and shoulder joints. These findings have important implications for injury prevention and optimizing training strategies in climbing.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1251089
Number of pages11
JournalFrontiers in Sports and Active Living
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2023

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 303028 Sport science


  • arm lock-offs
  • climbing
  • injury prevention
  • neuromechanics
  • training optimization


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