On the past maximal development of near-FLRW data for the Einstein scalar-field Vlasov system

Publications: Working paperPreprint


We show that the maximal globally hyperbolic development of near-FLRW initial data for the Einstein scalar-field Vlasov system exhibits stable Big Bang formation in the collapsing direction, i.e., stable Kretschmann scalar blow-up, causing the spacetime to become past incomplete. This is the first stability result towards the collapsing direction in the presence of Vlasov matter. Furthermore, while the asymptotic behaviour of Vlasov matter is close to that of the FLRW solution up to a small change in asymptotic order controlled by initial data, generically, the distribution function itself asymptotically concentrates in certain preferred directions that are teleologically determined. To ensure that this behaviour is sufficiently mitigated by the scalar field, we crucially exploit a scaling hierarchy between horizontal and vertical derivatives in the Vlasov equation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages72
Publication statusSubmitted - 13 Feb 2024


David Fajman acknowledges support through the project Relativistic Fluids in cosmology (project number P34313) of the Austrian Science Fund. Liam Urban acknowledges the support by the START-Project Isoperimetric study of initial data for the Einstein equations (project number Y963), also by the Austrian Science Fund. Liam Urban is a recipient of a DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Vienna, and of a scholarship by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 101002 Analysis
  • 103028 Theory of relativity


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