Photoregulatory functions drive variation in eye coloration across macaque species

Juan Olvido Perea-García (Corresponding author), Jorg J. M. Massen, Julia Ostner, Oliver Schülke, Alba Castellano-Navarro, Eva Gazagne, Juan Manuel José-Domínguez, Víctor Beltrán-Francés, Stefano Kaburu, Nadine Ruppert, Jérôme Micheletta, Shreejata Gupta, Bonaventura Majolo, Laëtitia Maréchal, Lena S. Pflüger, Pia M. Böhm, Marie Bourjade, Elif Duran, Catherine Hobaiter, Antónia Monteiro (Corresponding author)

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Primates, the most colorful mammalian radiation, have previously served as an interesting model to test the functions and evolutionary drivers of variation in eye color. We assess the contribution of photo-regulatory and communicative functions to the external eye appearance of nine macaque species representing all the branches of their radiation. Macaques’ well described social structure and wide geographical distribution make them interesting to explore. We find that (1) the posterior option of the anterior eyeball is more pigmented closer to the equator, suggesting photoprotective functions. We also find that (2) the temporal side of the eyeball is more heavily pigmented than the nasal side. This suggests that eyeball pigmentation in macaques is distributed to reduce damage to the corneal limbus. The inclusion of a translocated population of M. fuscata in our analyses also suggests that external eye appearance may change quickly, perhaps owing to phenotypic plasticity. We find no evidence that communicative functions drive variation in external eye appearance in macaques. These results suggest that the amount of light in a species’ environment drives variation in eye coloration across macaque species. Furthermore, the geographical distribution of macaques hints at important factors that have yet to be accounted for, such as the reflectivity of the terrain a given species inhabits.
Original languageEnglish
Article number29115
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Nov 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 106047 Animal ecology
  • 106051 Behavioural biology


  • Eyes
  • Gloger’s rule
  • Light
  • Macaques
  • Primates
  • Ecology
  • Coloration
  • Photo-regulation

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