Phylogenetic and Chemical Probing Information as Soft Constraints in RNA Secondary Structure Prediction

Sarah von Löhneysen (Corresponding author), Thomas Spicher, Yuliia Varenyk, Hua Ting Yao, Ronny Lorenz, Ivo Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler

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Extrinsic, experimental information can be incorporated into thermodynamics-based RNA folding algorithms in the form of pseudo-energies. Evolutionary conservation of RNA secondary structure elements is detectable in alignments of phylogenetically related sequences and provides evidence for the presence of certain base pairs that can also be converted into pseudo-energy contributions. We show that the centroid base pairs computed from a consensus folding model such as RNAalifold result in a substantial improvement of the prediction accuracy for single sequences. Evidence for specific base pairs turns out to be more informative than a position-wise profile for the conservation of the pairing status. A comparison with chemical probing data, furthermore, strongly suggests that phylogenetic base pairing data are more informative than position-specific data on (un)pairedness as obtained from chemical probing experiments. In this context we demonstrate, in addition, that the conversion of signal from probing data into pseudo-energies is possible using thermodynamic structure predictions as a reference instead of known RNA structures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)549-563
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of computational biology : a journal of computational molecular cell biology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 104027 Computational chemistry
  • 106005 Bioinformatics
  • 102009 Computer simulation


  • consensus structure
  • pseudo-energies
  • RNA secondary structure
  • RNA structure probing

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