Preserving Multi-view Consistency in Diagrammatic Knowledge Representation

Dominik Bork, Robert Andrei Buchmann, Dimitris Karagiannis

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed


Multi-view conceptual modeling provides means for representing, with diagrammatic means, the knowledge describing a "system under study" whose complexity cannot be captured in a single comprehensible representation. Typical examples are available in the field of enterprise modeling, where models are inherently layered or partitioned, a feature that must be enabled at meta-modeling level by means of abstraction and decomposition. Multi-view modeling must provide means for coping with the complexity of enterprise knowledge representations through consistency preservation techniques across multiple, interrelated views. The paper at hand formulates the conceptual functions fulfilled by multi-view modeling and provides a demonstrative implementation in the context of the Semantic Object Model enterprise modeling method.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationKnowledge Science, Engineering and Management
Subtitle of host publication8th International Conference, KSEM 2015, Chongqing, China, October 28-30, 2015, Proceedings
EditorsS Zhang, M Wirsing, Z Zhang
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-319-25159-2
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event8th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM) - Haiyu Hotspring Hotel, Chongqing, Chongqing, China
Duration: 28 Oct 201530 Oct 2015


Conference8th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM)

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 502050 Business informatics


  • Diagrammatic knowledge representation
  • Metamodeling
  • Multi-view modeling
  • Multi-view modelling

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