Quantum hs-Yang-Mills from the IKKT matrix model

Harold C. Steinacker (Corresponding author), Tung Tran (Corresponding author)

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We study the one-loop effective action of the higher-spin gauge theory induced by the IKKT matrix model on a M1,3×K background, where M1,3 is an FLRW cosmological spacetime brane and K are compact fuzzy extra dimensions. In particular, we show that all non-abelian (hs-valued) gauge fields in this model acquire mass via quantum effects, thus avoiding no-go theorems. This leads to a massive non-abelian quantum hs-Yang-Mills theory, whose detailed structure depends on K. The stabilization of K at one loop is understood as a result of the coupling between K and the U(1)-flux bundle on space-time. This flux stabilization induces the KK scale into the N=4 SYM sector of the model, which break superconformal symmetry.
Original languageEnglish
Article number116608
Number of pages28
JournalNuclear Physics B
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 103012 High energy physics

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