Report of the Topical Group on Top quark physics and heavy flavor production for Snowmass 2021

Kaustubh Agashe, S. Airen, Simone Alioli, Javier Aparisi, Giuseppe Bevilacqua, Huan-Yu Bi, Raymond Brock, Abel Gutierrez Camacho, Jorge de Blas, Regina Demina, Yong Du, Gauthier Durieux, Jarrett Fein, Roberto Franceschini, Juan Fuster, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Alessandro Gavardi, Jason Gombas, Christoph Grojean, Jiale GuMarco Guzzi, Heribertus Bayu Hartanto, Andre Hoang, Jack Holguin, Adrian Irles, Nikolaos Kidonakis, Dojin Kim, Manfred Kraus, Christopher Lepenik, Tony M. Liss, Luca Mantani, Sonny Mantry, Vicent Mateu, Davide Melini, Victor Miralles, Marcos Miralles Lopez, Maria Moreno Llacer, Sven-Olaf Moch, Pavel Nadolsky, T. Neumann, Meenakshi Narain, Jasmina Nasufi, Kacper Nowak, Aditya Pathak, Michael Peskin, Rene Poncelet, Massimiliano Procura, Laura Reina, G. Rodrigo, Deepak Sathyan, Sara Sawford, Reinhard Schwienhorst, Frank Simon, Michael Spira, Ian Stewart, Seidai Tairafune, Junping Tian, Alessandro Tricoli, Peter Uwer, Eleni Vryonidou, Katharina Voß, Marcel Vos, Doreen Wackeroth, Malgorzata Worek, Keping Xie, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Ryo Yunamine, Zhite Yu, C. -P. Yuan, Aleksander Filip Zarnecki

Publications: Working paperPreprint


This report summarizes the work of the Energy Frontier Topical Group on EW Physics: Heavy flavor and top quark physics (EF03) of the 2021 Community Summer Study (Snowmass). It aims to highlight the physics potential of top-quark studies and heavy-flavor production processes (bottom and charm) at the HL-LHC and possible future hadron and lepton colliders and running scenarios.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages97
Publication statusPublished - 22 Sept 2022

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 103012 High energy physics


  • hep-ph
  • hep-ex


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