title = "Rez. von Studies in ancient Greek dialects from central Greece to the Black Sea: ed. by Georgios K. Giannakis, Emilio Crespo and Panagiotis Filos. - Berlin [u.a.] : De Gruyter, 2018. - XVI, 599 S. : Ill. ; 23 cm. - (Trends in classics : Supplementary volumes ; 49). - ISBN 978-3-11-053081-0",
keywords = "Altgriechisch, Sprachwissenschaft, Dialekte, Ancient Greek, Linguistics, dialects",
author = "Melanie Malzahn",
year = "2018",
language = "Deutsch",
volume = "18",
journal = "Informationsmittel (IFB) : digitales Rezensionsorgan f{\"u}r Bibliothek und Wissenschaft",
publisher = "Verlag nicht ermittelbar",