Snowmass White Paper: prospects for measurements of the bottom quark mass

Javier Aparisi, Juan Fuster, Andre Hoang, Adrian Irles, Christopher Lepenik, Vicent Mateu, German Rodrigo, Michael Spira, Seidai Tairafune, Junping Tian, Marcel Vos, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Ryo Yonamine

Publications: Working paperPreprint


In this white paper for the Snowmass '21 community planning exercise we provide quantitative prospects for bottom quark mass measurements in high-energy collisions at future colliders that can provide a precise test of the scale evolution, or "running" of quark masses predicted by QCD.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2022

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 103012 High energy physics


  • hep-ex
  • hep-ph

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