Systems biology as a framework to understand the physiological and endocrine bases of behavior and its evolution—From concepts to a case study in birds

Matthew J. Fuxjager, T. Brandt Ryder, Nicole M. Moody, Camilo Alfonso, Christopher N. Balakrishnan, Julia Barske, Mariane Bosholn, W. Alice Boyle, Edward L. Braun, Ioana Chiver, Roslyn Dakin, Lainy B. Day, Robert Driver, Leonida Fusani, Brent M. Horton, Rebecca T. Kimball, Sara Lipshutz, Claudio V. Mello, Eliot T. Miller, Michael S. WebsterMorgan Wirthlin, Roy Wollman, Ignacio T. Moore, Barney A. Schlinger

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Organismal behavior, with its tremendous complexity and diversity, is generated by numerous physiological systems acting in coordination. Understanding how these systems evolve to support differences in behavior within and among species is a longstanding goal in biology that has captured the imagination of researchers who work on a multitude of taxa, including humans. Of particular importance are the physiological determinants of behavioral evolution, which are sometimes overlooked because we lack a robust conceptual framework to study mechanisms underlying adaptation and diversification of behavior. Here, we discuss a framework for such an analysis that applies a “systems view” to our understanding of behavioral control. This approach involves linking separate models that consider behavior and physiology as their own networks into a singular vertically integrated behavioral control system. In doing so, hormones commonly stand out as the links, or edges, among nodes within this system. To ground our discussion, we focus on studies of manakins (Pipridae), a family of Neotropical birds. These species have numerous physiological and endocrine specializations that support their elaborate reproductive displays. As a result, manakins provide a useful example to help imagine and visualize the way systems concepts can inform our appreciation of behavioral evolution. In particular, manakins help clarify how connectedness among physiological systems—which is maintained through endocrine signaling—potentiate and/or constrain the evolution of complex behavior to yield behavioral differences across taxa. Ultimately, we hope this review will continue to stimulate thought, discussion, and the emergence of research focused on integrated phenotypes in behavioral ecology and endocrinology.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105340
JournalHormones and Behavior
Publication statusPublished - May 2023

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 106051 Behavioural biology


  • Adaptive evolution
  • Androgenic hormones
  • Animal behavior
  • Manakin birds
  • Organismal physiology
  • Robustness
  • Systems biology


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