The breakthrough paradox: How focusing on one form of innovation jeopardizes the advancement of science

Ruth Ingeborg Falkenberg, Maximilian Fochler (Corresponding author), Lisa Sigl, Hermann Bürstmayr, Stephanie Eichorst, Sebastian Michel, Eva Oburger, Christiana Staudinger, Barbara Steiner, Dagmar Wöbken

Publications: Contribution to journalEditorialPeer Reviewed


Science is about venturing into the unknown to find unexpected insights and establish new knowledge. Increasingly, academic institutions and funding agencies such as the European Research Council (ERC) explicitly encourage and support scientists to foster risky and hopefully ground-breaking research. Such incentives are important and have been greatly appreciated by the scientific community. However, the success of the ERC has had its downsides, as other actors in the funding ecosystem have adopted the ERC’s focus on “breakthrough science” and respective notions of scientific excellence. We argue that these tendencies are concerning since disruptive breakthrough innovation is not the only form of innovation in research. While continuous, gradual innovation is often taken for granted, it could become endangered in a research and funding ecosystem that places ever higher value on breakthrough science. This is problematic since, paradoxically, breakthrough potential in science builds on gradual innovation. If the value of gradual innovation is not better recognized, the potential for breakthrough innovation may well be stifled.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere54772
Number of pages3
JournalEMBO Reports
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2022

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 106026 Ecosystem research
  • 106022 Microbiology


  • innovation
  • science

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