The Cognitive Neuroscience of Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: Factors that matter

    Publications: Contribution to bookChapter


    In this chapter I aim to systematically discuss the various factors that play a role in the second language acquisition processes that finally lead to what is known as ultimate attainment – from a neuro-imaging point of view. Therefore a basic threefold classification into “biological”, “psychological” and “socio-linguistic” factors is tentatively offered. The main focus lies in reviewing recent brain-imaging literature from the relatively young field of “bilingual brain imaging” with the attempt to integrate definitions used in the field of SLA research with the terminology of brain imaging experiments on bilinguals or second language learners. The aim is to put that into a wider framework of second language acquisition by proposing a systematic classification according to which individual differences in L2 learning could better be described. Important factors like, for example, age of onset of learning, proficiency level, experience/exposure, or language aptitude are highlighted and critically discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication Language acquisition across linguistic and cognitive systems
    EditorsMichele Kail, Maya Hickmann
    Place of PublicationAmsterdam, Philadelphia
    PublisherJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
    Number of pages321
    ISBN (Electronic) 9789027287564
    ISBN (Print) 9789027253149
    Publication statusPublished - 2010

    Publication series

    SeriesLanguage Acquisition and Language Disorders

    Austrian Fields of Science 2012

    • 301401 Brain research
    • 602007 Applied linguistics

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