The EU-FP7 ERA-CLIM2 project contribution to advancing science and production of Earth-system climate reanalyses

Roberto Buizza, Stefan Brönnimann, Leopold Haimberger, Patrick Laloyaux, Matthew Martin, Manuel Fuentes, Magdalena Alonso-Balmaseda, Andreas Becker, Michael Blaschek, Per Dahlgren, Eric de Boisseson, Dick Dee, Marie Doutriaux-Boucher, Xiangbo Feng, Viju O. John, Keith Haines, Sylvie Jourdain, Yuki Kosaka, Daniel Lea, Florian LemariéMichael Mayer, Palmira Messina, Coralie Perruche, Philippe Peylin, Jounie Pullainen, Nick Rayner, Elke Rustemeier, Dinand Scheper, Roger Saunder, Jörg Schulz, Alexander Sterin, Sebastian Stichelberger, Andrea Storto, Charles-Emmanuel Testut, Maria-Antóonia Valente, Arthur Vidard, Nicolas Vuichard, Anthony Weaver, James While, Markus Ziese

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


The main goals and activities of the European Reanalysis of Global Climate Observations 2 (ERA-CLIM2) project are discussed along with some key results, including the first ensemble of coupled reanalysis of the twentieth century. The research initiated in these two projects underpins a concerted effort in Europe to build the information infrastructure needed to support climate monitoring, climate research, and climate services, based on the best available science and observations. ERA-CLIM2 is one of several collaborative research projects designated by the European Commission as precursors to the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1003-1014
Number of pages12
JournalBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2018

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 105205 Climate change
  • 105206 Meteorology


  • AIR
  • ICE

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