The Preference Reversal in a Group When Aggregating Three Types of Decision-Makers Based on Regret Theory

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperPeer Reviewed


This study aims at the effects of the presence of different
types of decision-makers (perfect rationality, partially anticipated regret,
and fully anticipated regret) based on regret theory in a group. In dynamic
adjusting group decision-making problems, optimal selections are
influenced by the fraction of decision-makers of different types in a group.
The research illustrates that being a dominated group might not be so
bad for a perfectly rational decision-maker and one can also allocate a
group to achieve his individual decision better by given fixed type and
weights distribution.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023
Event23rd International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation - University of Tokyo, Tokio, Japan
Duration: 11 Jun 202315 Jun 2023


Conference23rd International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation
Abbreviated titleGDn 2023
Internet address

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 101015 Operations research
  • 502045 Behavioural economics


  • Group decision
  • Preference reversals
  • Regret theory


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