The soft body parts of freshwater bryozoans depicted by scanning electron microscopy

Manfred Walzl, Emmy Wöss

    Publications: Contribution to bookChapter


    For the first time, special scanning electron microscopical preparation techniques, i.e. chemical dehydration and air drying with examethyldisilacane, were used to study the Phylactolaemata. This approach depicted the growth form of colonies and the outer structures of zooids of Plumatella casmiana and P. fungosa three-dimensionally. The structures of cystids and polypids, for example the cystid wall, lophophore, gut, funiculus and the muscles, are represented using dissected zooids. Moreover, this technique revealed the structures of both asexual reproduction (the buds, the generation and germination of statoblasts) and the organs for sexual reproduction (testis, ovary, embryo sac, larva).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMoostiere (Bryozoa)
    Place of PublicationLinz
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - 2005

    Publication series


    Austrian Fields of Science 2012

    • 106049 Ultrastructure research


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