The Worship of the Goddess of Language: Ram Mani Acharya Dixit’s Efforts in Standardization of the Nepali Language in Benares

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This paper will focus on a 20th century Nepali intellectual, Ram Mani Acharya Dixit (1883–1972), and his trans-border activities for the promotion of the vernacular by investigating his integration of the progress of a language with his nation, his apotheosis of the ver-nacular and his devotion in strengthening prose writing for the sake of the development of the divine mother tongue. Foregrounding his lin-guistic activities such as writing, publishing and printing in Nepal and India, with Benares in particular, it will try to answer questions such as: What was the motivating factor that inspired him to write and publish in the Nepali language? Was he in any way influenced by the Hindi language movement that was at its peak in North India of the time? How influential was Dixit’s role in standardizing Nepali? Besides this Nepali language standardization concern, the paper will also examine Dixit’s idea of serving mother, motherland, mother tongue and [Hindu] religion through service to a language.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)159–194
Number of pages36
JournalCracow Indological Studies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 29 Dec 2021

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 602031 History of literature
  • 601022 Contemporary history


  • Deifi and embodiment of the language
  • Linguistic nationalism
  • Nepali language movement in Benares
  • Nepali print history
  • Standardization of Nepali


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