"Tomorrow belongs to us": Pathways to activism in Italian far-right youth communities

Agnieszka Pasieka

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Based on long-term ethnographic research, this article contributes to the growing scholarship on far-right social movements by presenting an in-depth account of the Italian far-right scene. In presenting personal accounts of three activists and situating them within the milieus in which they are active, it sheds light on a variety of factors that push youth to engage in far-right militancy. Many researchers of far-right extremism have asserted the need to provide more in-depth knowledge on far-right militants, yet there remain important gaps that this article strives to address. First, it demonstrates the value of the ethnographic approach in the study of far right, which offers unique insights into the motivations for involvement and the relations between ideas, beliefs, and practices. Second, it shows the importance of situating present-day activism in a historical context, not only by looking for long-term patterns but also by paying attention to the ways studied actors engage with historical comparisons. Third, in engaging critically with some commonsensical approaches to far-right activists, the paper suggests that ethnographic studies of far-right activism can give us fresh perspectives on broader social phenomena beyond the far right per se.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)150-178
Number of pages29
JournalComparative Studies in Society and History: an international quarterly
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jan 2022

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 504017 Cultural anthropology


  • activism
  • community
  • far right
  • fascism
  • Italy
  • social movements
  • youth


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