Translocal networked public spheres: Spatial arrangements of metropolitan Twitter

Annie Waldherr, Daniela Stoltenberg, Daniel Meier, Alexa Keinert, Barbara Pfetsch

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In this study, we theoretically conceptualize and empirically investigate translocal spatial arrangements of networked public spheres on social media. In digital communication networks, actors easily connect with others globally, crossing the borders of cities, nations and languages. However, the spatial notions evoked in public sphere research to date remain largely territorial. We propose a theoretical framework drawing on Löw’s sociology of space, which highlights the relational and translocal nature of spatial arrangements. In a case study of the translocal interaction network of Berlin Twitter users, we demonstrate how this framework can be leveraged empirically using network analysis. Despite the overall network of Berlin’s Twittersphere spanning the whole world, we find territorialized as well as deterritorialized translocal communities. This points to the simultaneity of territorial and networked spatial logics in digital public spheres.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6636-6657
Number of pages22
JournalNew Media & Society
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2024

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 508007 Communication science


  • Communication geography
  • networks
  • place
  • public sphere
  • space
  • translocality


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