Ultrastructure and development of the ooecial walls in some calloporid bryozoans (Gymnolaemata: Cheilostomata)

Andrew Nickolaevitch Ostrovsky, Priska Schäfer, Dennis Paul Gordon

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In the brood chambers (ovicells) of six calloporid cheilostomes studied each skeletal wall consists of four calcified layers: (1) a very thin superficial layer of planar spherulitic crystallites, (2) an upper (outer) layer with wall-perpendicular prismatic ultrastructure, (3) an intermediate lamellar layer, and (4) a lower (inner) wall-perpendicular prismatic layer. Comparative studies of both the ovicell wall ultrastructure and early ovicell formation showed a hypothetical opportunity for evolving complex (multilayered) skeletal walls by fusion of the initially separated gymnocystal and cryptocystal calcifications in Cheilostomata. In two species studied, a bilobate pattern in the final stage of the formation of the ooecial roof was encountered in specimens with the cuticle preserved. A possible explanation to this finding is discussed-the bilobate pattern is suggestive of the hypothetical origin of the brood chamber from (1) two flattened spines, or (2) reduction in spine number of an originally multispinous ovicell.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)223-240
Number of pages18
JournalZoologischer Anzeiger
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2003
Externally publishedYes

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 106054 Zoology


  • Bryozoa
  • Callopora
  • Crassimarginatella
  • Ovicells
  • Tegella


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