Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden zum Grenzwertbegriff

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Reliable ideas about deep mathematical concepts of mathematics teachers are an indispensable prerequisite for high-quality mathematics lessons
that are also meaningful for the students.There are several (normative) basic ideas (“Grundvorstellungen”) for certain mathematical concepts, which
illuminate different facets of the mathematical concept in question. In this article, didactic concepts of ideas of learners are discussed and applied to the
concept of the limit of sequences. For this purpose, an empirical study is presented, which collects and classifies student teachers’ written formulations before and after an intervention (attendance of a didactically oriented analysis course). It turns out that explicitly addressing normative basic ideas
(“Grundvorstellungen”) leads to a significant (albeit small) increase in quality in terms of this concept.
Original languageGerman
Number of pages21
JournalMathematica Didactica
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2022

Austrian Fields of Science 2012

  • 503013 Subject didactics of natural sciences

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